Non - Clinical Ozone Therapy Course

The majority of Ozone Therapy training is toward medical doctors. However, not all ozone therapy treatments come under the umbrella of clinical treatment applications.
The Institute provides an ozone therapy training course that specialises in educating and training a range of Allied Health Professionals, Nurses, Pharmacists and Associated Health Practitioners .
The Non-Clinical Ozone Therapy course provides additional modules that cover areas such as cell biology, enzymology, biochemistry, and chemistry so that an in-depth knowledge base on the mechanism by which ozone therapy affects a number of biological systems.
The training encompasses a “Holistic Approach” therefore, it provides a unique insight on how practitioners when applying ozone therapy, can increase their treatment management options and be very versatile and proficient in supporting a client’s health naturally.
The training shows how you can use ozone therapy preventatively. Induce detoxification, support and activate biological system into a state of recovery for underling issues to chronic conditions.
The Non-Clinical Ozone Therapy Course will provide treatment applications that are invaluable and become an essential tool in your practice.
Course Accreditation
We are pleased to announce that The Medical Ozone Research Institute is the 1st Educational & Training Institute in the field of Medical Ozone Therapy to be accredited in the UK.
The Medical Ozone Research Institute is a registered CPD provider with the CPD Accreditation Group. One of the most respected Bodies in the UK.
The Non- Clinical Ozone Therapy Course Certificate is Awarded 52 CPD Credits.
Who Can Apply
The Following Allied Health Professionals:
Biomedical Scientist
Clinical Scientist
Therapeutic Radiographers
Physician Associate
RGN Nurses
Prescriber Nurses
Doctors and Dentists Interested in the Holistic Approach with Ozone Therapy
Registration Process
All practitioners are required to scan the following in a PDF format and upload them when completing the online "Complete Registration Form" See tab below:
Passport ID
Professional Body PIN/Registration Number
Summary of your work experience and specialisation including any work with Ozone Therapy.
When you have completed the online Registration Form, you will be automatically directed to the payment gateway via our woocommerces platform.
Contact Us
You can contact us directly by using your mobile device on WhatsApp. If using your Desktop/Laptop or Tablet device please go to your WhatsApp on your mobile device and select the settings icon. Then select WhatsApp Web App/Desktop, then select QR Code. Now go to the WhatsApp Icon below and select the chat and a QR Code will load onto another browser tab. Scan the code and the chat will begin. If you are browsing on a mobile device, the WhatsApp Application will prompt you to open WhatsApp to start the chat for your registration.
Here you will be able to have a live chat and drop your documents directly into the chat for review.
Alternatively you can email your documents to:
Complete Registration Form
Registration Fees
Non - Clinical Ozone Therapy Course
Registration Fee: £1699
Full Payment of Registration Fees can be paid by Bank Transfer, Direct Debit or Credit/Debit Card.
Credit/Debit card payments will incur additional admin fees.
Cancellations & Refunds:
Practitioners have a specific time period, and are required to fulfil, a strict criteria to qualify for a full or partial refund and cancellation of thier account. You are advised to familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions. The link can be found at the end of each webpage.
T&C apply
Additional Information
Non - Clinical Ozone Therapy Course
All practitioners will require the following additional certification:
First Aid Certificate
Medical Oxygen Gas Handling and Safety Certificate
List of course providers given upon registration.
Ozone Society
Professional Regulatory Body for Ozone Therapy Practitioners.
It ensures that all members are compliant to all areas of good practice, health and safety together with a code of conduct and a code of ethics to perform Ozone Therapy in the UK.
All members receive a certificate of membership, with an Ozone Society Seal for members website, PR and Marketing material. The Ozone Society has a public membership page where members can advertise their clinics.
Non - Clinical Ozone Therapy Course Information
Online Medical Ozone Theory
Revision Section
The revision section is a complusary prerequisite before entering the medical ozone section. This section has been specially designed to focus on specific areas that will integrate in later sections of the course. This will orientate practitioners to familiarise areas of physiology and biochemistry needed to fully understand the complexities of medical ozone on the biological system. There are 33 lesson covering enzymatic pathways, cell biology, the red blood cell to the immune system and covering oxidative stress and antioxidants.
Medical Ozone History
From the time when ozone gas was discovered to the innovators that developed the technology and use of ozone gas in medicine and dentistry. In the time-line, ozone technology, R&D and it's applications started in the USA. A change in American drug policy stopped R&D in ozone in it's tracks.
Ozone Physical & Chemical Properties | Types of Ozone Gas
The chemical and physical properties enable us to understand the qualities that ozone gas possess and why it behaves under specific condition. What are the different types of ozone gases, their functions, purity and the effect on earth and on humans.
Mechanism of Action Part 1 - 7
Here we look at the knowledge base and how ozone can influence specific mechanism of action at a cellular level. We study how ozone can destroy pathogens, the processes involved. We look at the red blood cell, immune cells and anti-oxidant enzymes play a specific role in providing the therapeutic properties ozone has on the body. How ozone naturally co-exists within an existing biochemical process of the body
Data and Graphs Part 1 - 4
We examine a range of peer review studies that support the research and clinical studies that determine the four main properties of medical ozone and it affect on biological systems.
Indications and Applications
We look at what condition’s ozone can assist therapeutically; which applications are used to treat them, and which protocols produce an effective outcome for the client.
Methods of Application Part 1 - 3
We investigate each type of treatment application in ozone therapy. We distinguish between clinical and non-clinical treatments and how they compare to each other and what conditions and parameters each are best suited to the client.
Contra-Indications & Applications
Contra-indications are on the experience and current clinical data that indicate a risk vs therapeutic effect. There are some conditions where Ozone Therapy should not be applied. Applications that appear to have a robust therapeutic effect may have a high risk of patient safety.
Nutrition & Supplements Part 1 - 2
Nutrients are essential we using ozone therapy. How nutrient plays a vital role and how we can support the cellular function when using ozone therapy with nutrition and supplementation. We look at which types of supplement and the quality of supplements used to achieve the best results.
Medical Ozone Theory Final Exam
An exam will take place with an external auditor. The examination is done online, and can be done at your convenience, at your home or office. You have 2 hours to complete the exam and all practitioners have to obtain 70% or more to successfully pass this section of the course.
Online Medical Ozone Technical & Practical Training
Ozone Generator
- Cold Corona Discharge Method
- Ozone Generator Parts
- ETL and CE Certification of Equipment
- Range of Ozone Generators and the differences between them
Oxygen Regulators
- Relationship between Flow Rate and Electrical Field
- Fixed Electric Field and Variable Flow Rate
– Fixed Flow Rate and Variable Electric Field
Ozone Destructor
- How it works and how it operates
Glass Humidifier
- How and when to use them
Three Way Valve & Quick Connectors
- The use and function
Oxygen Regulator & Size E Pin Index Oxygen Cylinder
- Oxygen Cylinder Storage
Insufflation Kit
- How each part works and why this equipment is used for insufflation
- Client orientation
- Health and Safety
Medical Ozone Steam Sauna
- Setting up the sauna
- Client orientation
- Health and Safety
Medical Ozone Water
- How to make ozonated water
- Type of water used
- improving longevity of ozone water
- Health and Safety
- Ozone Generator Set Up To Produce Medical Ozone Only
- Ozone Generator Set Up To Produce Ozone Water Only
- Ozone Generator Set Up To Collect Medical Ozone Only
- Colon/Vaginal Insufflation Set Up To Administer Medical Ozone Only
- Ozone Steam Sauna Set Up To Administer Medical Ozone Only
Medical Ozone Safety Guidelines
- Maintenance logs
- Ozone Gas Environmental safety levels indoors
- How to reduce ozone gas build up in the treatment room
- Quantitative Blood Tests and Bio-Markers in Blood, Urine, Saliva
- Monitoring Qualitative Oxygen Saturation Percentage and does this have any use
Application + Protocol
- Slow and Low Approach
- Low Dose Concept
- Major Auto Hemotherapy
- Minor Auto Hemotherapy
- IV Ozone Saline Infusions
- Ozone Injections
- Rectal/Vaginal Insufflation
- Medical Ozone Sauna
- Cupping
- Limb Bagging
- Ozone Water
- Review and Assess all the required accessories for each Method of Application
- Rectal/Vaginal Insufflation
- Medical Ozone Sauna
- Cupping
- Limb Bagging
- Ozone Water
Client Management Discussion
- Client Management Discussion
- When to use medical ozone
- When not to use medical ozone
- Cleansing not THE only strategy
- Behavioral patterns
- Types of communication we have with ourselves and the mind body language
Treatment Protocol Discussion
- Treatment Protocol Discussion:
- Looks at a series of case studies that determine a different approach and why
- The case studies will relate to specific properties of Medical Ozone.
Compliancy and Good Practice
- What is Compliancy
- What is meant by Good Practice
- How to Implement Compliancy and Good Practice
- Monitoring and Auditing
- Health and Safety
Health and Safety Assessment
An assessment for each practitioner will take place to determine their ability to manage the health safety, compliancy and Good Practice involved during the set up of equipment.
It will include all accessories involved and will involve the surroundings where the assessment takes place.
The Medical Ozone Research Institute Sponsors The Way of the Warriors
They are a group of veterans who have lived through the deep and soul-destroying effects of trauma after years in the field.
THE WAY OF THE WARRIORS blend ancient knowledge with modern research and naturopathic medicine. The Institute has trained their support team to provide additional care for the veterans recovery. To learn more, please visit their website:

| medical ozone research institute is trading under urban detox ltd |company number 10068851| registered address - 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N 3AX |
| | tel: 07798861406 |